Cros Strain Pseudogene Orthology | ||||||||||||||||||
The orthology pairs are listed with the corresponding chromosomal localization in their respective strains.
- File format: ChrStrain1 StratStrain1 EndStrain1 StrandStrain1 IDStrain1 ChrStrain2 StratStrain2 EndStrain2 StrandStrain2 IDStrain2
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Pseudogene Haplotype Annotation | ||||||||||||||||||
Coordinates of overlaps between pseudogene sequences and annotated haplotype regions in each strain.
- File format: ChrPg StratPg EndPg PgStrainID PgUniversalID PgStrand PgRefID PgParent PgLevel PgBiotype PgExons StrainHapChr StrainHapStart StrainHapEnd StrainName StrainHapID StrainHapRegLength
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Subspecies Specific Origin Pseudogene Annotation | ||||||||||||||||||
Coordinates of overlaps between pseudogene sequences and the annotated region of subspecies specific origin (SSO).
- File format: ChrPg StratPg EndPg PgStrainID PgUniversalID PgStrand PgRefID PgParent PgLevel PgBiotype PgExons StrainSSOChr StrainSSOStart StrainSSOEnd StrainName SSOID StrainSSORegLength